OSPAR special request on review of the technical specification and application of common indicators under D1, D2, D4, and D6
ICES undertook a simulation benchmarking exercise on the 35 common indicators whose technical specifications had been supplied by OSPAR. ICES advises that 17 of the indicators in the Greater North Sea can be considered high-performing; 14 are close to being fully operational and 19 are adequately monitored throughout the North Sea. ICES did not assess the performance of the indicators in regions other than the Greater North Sea, but considers that analysis of this region will help in the understanding and further development of indicators in other regions. ICES cannot define the precise nature of good environmental status (GES) as this is an EU Member State issue, but advises that in order to better understand GES, it would be helpful to develop further indicators, so that a more holistic ecosystem view can be achieved and potential additional monitoring needs can be identified.
A technical review of the two OSPAR common indicators on non-indigenous species is provided.
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