Although tho sea area of the Eastern Central Atlantic between theStraits of Gibraltar and Cape Verde is a most interesting one, bo~h froman oceanographic and a fisheries point of view, only little is knownabout tho living reoources of this area and their environment (physical,chemical, biological). In fact, it is tho most unknown area of tho Northernand Central Atlantic as the waters further north have been wellcovered by research vesools for many years, in particular during thoInternational Geophysical Year 1957/58, and tho water □ of the tropicalAtlantic have boon systematically studied by tho ICITA expeditions,tho Guinean Trawling Survey (GTS) and now by tho surveys of pelagicfish resources in a number of West African countries financed by UNDPSpecial Fund and for which FAO is executing agency. Plano for tho westernpart of tho Central Atlantic to be explored by a "Cooperative Investigationof tho Caribbean and Adjacent Regions" (CIGAR) organized by IOC, havealready been made.
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