International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

REPORT OF THE Planning Group on Aerial and Acoustic Surveys for Mackerel

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posted on 2003-01-01, 00:00 authored by ICESICES
The Planning Group on Aerial and Acoustic Surveys for Mackerel [PGAAM] (Chair E. Shamray, Russia) met in Lisbon, Portugal from 6–9 April 2003 to:a) collate and evaluate the data collected by the aerial surveys, fishing- and research vessels in the Norwegian Sea during the late summer and autumn 2002;b) combine the summer 2002 aerial surveys data with vessels data of distribution of mackerel in the Norwegian Sea;c) identify participants to contribute to the aerial surveys for mackerel in the Norwegian Sea and coordinate vessels collaboration;d) combine the October-November 2002 survey data of abundance and distribution of mackerel within the North Sea-Shetland area;e) coordinate acoustic surveys within the North Sea-Shetland area to ensure full coverage and appropriate areas and timings;f) coordinate the timing and area allocation and methodologies for acoustic and aerial surveys for mackerel in the NEA;g) consider the latest findings from the SIMFAMI project;h) coordinate acoustic surveys in Divisions VIII and IX. Seek survey time for northern extension of these surveys;i) identify surveys which are not targeted at mackerel, but which may have potential use for the estimation of mackerel distribution and abundance;j) develop protocols and criteria to ensure standardization of all sampling tools and survey gears


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