Highlights: • A list of literature of published information on oceanic research on salmon with main emphasis on oceanic tag recoveries.• Data on tag recoveries including recoveries in oceanic areas from smolt tagging in home waters, and recoveries in oceanic areas as well as in home waters of salmon tagged at sea. There is still large numbers of material available, but they have to be standardised and converted to same format.• A standard format for recording tag recoveries was agreed, and an EXCEL file with the appropriate form has been developed.• Using GIS as a tool the first examples of geographical distribution of recaptured salmon originating from different areas were provided demonstrating the potential for the use of this tool. Apparently there is great potential to analyse standardised datasets, but it remains to develop detailed statistical methods and models to analyse the material and test appropriate hypotheses.• A number of hypotheses that might be testable on oceanic migration and distribution of salmon using the tagging and recapture material were discussed and developed.
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