International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
1986_F1.pdf (1.91 MB)

Report of Activities of MCC

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posted on 2023-09-14, 08:18 authored by ICESICES

In 1985, the following activities were carried out at the Reference Centre - State University of Ghent. Belgium,

- continued research in Belgium On Artemia strain characterization; Intensive production techniques for adult biomass, nauplii and cysts; cross breeding and quantitative heritability; enhancement of nutritional quality through bioencapsulation in nauplii and adults,

- organization of the 4th International Artemia Training Course (Ghent, July 15 to August 14, 1985) attended by 35 trainees from 20 different countries (mainly third world countries);

- co-organization or the 2nd International Artemia Symposium (Antwerp. September 1-5, 1985) attended by 250 participants from 40 countries;

~ start of cooperative project in Thailand with the Kasetsart University. Bangkok, through the Belgian Administration for Development Corporation, set up National Artemia Reference Center, improved Artemia production in solar saltponds, optimization of the use of Artemia in locaI fish and shrimp farming;

- assistance in the organization of national Artemia workshop at the Shandong College of Oceanography. Qingdao (China, May 10-15, 1985);

- characterization of natural sources of Artemia from Tunisia; cooperation project of the Belgian Administration for Development Cooperation and the "Institut Scientifique et Technique d'Oc~anographic et de Peche";

- long-term training in Artemia techniques of students from Peru, Brazil. Indonesia, Tunisia and Vietnam;


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