International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
1987_M3.pdf (2.23 MB)

Report of the Acid Rain Study Group

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posted on 2023-09-04, 06:42 authored by ICESICES

"A Study Group (Chairman: Pr W. G. Doubleday) will be established and will meet at ICES Headquarters from 4-6 March 1987 to consider the following questions asked by NASCO with respect to the issue of acid rain in the North American Commission Area:

a) identify freshwater habitats which support or have supported Atlantic salmon populations and classify these

habitats in relation to their vulnerability to loss of productivity of Atlantic salmon due to acidification;

b) describe the trends in acidification of habitat identified in question a), and in the fish populations supported by these habitats;

c) describe the influence of acidification of freshwater habitat on growth and survival of Atlantic salmon fry and parr and the implications for smolt and adult production;

d) describe the effectiveness of mitigation measures such as liming and the extent to which these measures are in current use.


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