International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Report of the Ad hoc Group on the Distribution and Migration of Northeast Atlantic Mackerel (AGDMM)

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posted on 2025-01-27, 14:25 authored by ICESICES

This ad hoc group met at ICES Headquarters, 30–31 August 2011 and 29–31 May 2012.

Over the course of the two meetings, the group met to:

a) Map and describe the seasonal distribution and migration of NEA mackerel as they are currently understood and how these have evolved over time (by appropriate time periods).

b) Recommend research to increase the knowledge of NEA mackerel distribution, migrations and factors affecting them. Specifically:

i ) Review published work on drivers of mackerel distribution and changes in distribution, identifying potential environmental and ecological factors that lead to observed distribution patterns

ii ) Define suitable ‘mackerel habitat’ for each of the life history stages with regards to the oceanography of the region and feeding conditions over space and time e.g. plankton.

iii ) Correlate spatiotemporal variability in mackerel migration and distribution to potential drivers such as physical oceanography, food availability, stock size and structure.

iv ) Highlight any current research gaps, that still need to be addressed and report on the likely processes and/or environmental characteristics that should be monitored to provide advice on the distribution of mackerel.


Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee

  • ACOM

Published under the auspices of the following ICES Expert Group or Strategic Initiative



ICES Expert Group Reports

Meeting details

30–31 August 2011 and 29–31 May 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark

Recommended citation

ICES. 2013. Report of the Ad hoc Group on the Distribution and Migration of Northeast Atlantic Mackerel (AGDMM), 30–31 August 2011 and 29–31 May 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES CM 2013/ACOM:58. 211 pp.

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    ICES Expert Group reports (until 2018)


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