International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Report of the ICES-PICES Workshop 2. Identifying mechanisms linking physical climate and ecosystem change: Observed indices, hypothesized processes, and "data dreams" for the future

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posted on 2024-01-25, 08:07 authored by ICESICES

Climate variability and change in the ocean is now recognized as a significant driver of marine ecosystem response, from primary production to zooplankton composition, and through the trophic chain to fish, marine mammals and other top predators. Past studies have often relied upon existing datasets to draw correlative conclusions (associated with indices and discovered time-lags in the system) regarding the possible mechanisms that may control these linkages. In this workshop, we seek to identify and model key processes that enable us to succinctly and quantifiably explain the mechanisms underlying the correlative relationships in physical-biological datasets, both in the North Pacific and North Atlantic. The description and modelling of these key processes may (a) involve few or several variables (but not full complexity), (b) use dynamical (e.g. eddy-resolving ocean models, NPZ, IBM, etc.) or statistically based methods (e.g. Bayesian, linear inverse models, etc.), (c) explain variability of low or high tropic levels (although we seek to emphasize secondary and higher producers), and (d) include uncertainty estimation. We also solicit ideas and hypotheses concerning new mechanisms of physical-biological linkages that can only be tested by establishing novel long-term observational strategies, where the harvest of under-standing will eventually be reaped by future generations of ocean scientists, as well as by developing creative modelling datasets, where ecosystem complexities can be effectively unravelled. The workshop format will be a mixture of talks and group discussions that aim at enriching the exchange of ideas and concepts between physical and biological ocean scientists. The ultimate goal is to deliver: (1) a set of new hypotheses of the mechanisms of marine ecosystem response to climate forcing, and (2) a description of the observational and modelling datasets required to test these hypotheses using process models.



ICES Expert Group Reports

Meeting details

11-20 October 2013, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

Recommended citation

ICES. 2013. Report of the ICES-PICES Workshop 2. Identifying mechanisms linking physical climate and ecosystem change: Observed indices, hypothesized processes, and "data dreams" for the future, 11-20 October 2013, Nanaimo, BC, Canada. ICES CM 2013/GEN:01. 3 pp.