Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 2002
The ICES Advisory Committee for Fishery Management met twice in 2001, 21 - 30 May- and 9 - 17 October 2002. Both meetings were held at the ICES Headquarters, Palægade 2–4, Copenhagen. Attendance is listed on the following pages.
ACFM in its advice includes a description on how the Precautionary Approach have been interpreted in the ICES advice, see Form of Advice in the Introductory Chapter.
The reports are in response to requests from Management Commissions (EC, IBSFC, NEAFC, and NASCO) and from member countries. The management advice is presented stock by stock in Sections 3 to 8 where also the answers to special requests are given.
The requests from Management Commissions are now divided into two parts: recurrent advice that is specified by Memorandum of Understanding between the Management Commissions and ICES and Special Requests. Recurrent advice includes assessment of stock status and management advice for the more important stocks in the Northeast Atlantic. This advice is provided in the same form as used by ICES Advisory Committee for Fishery Management in recent years.
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee