International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Assess1390.pdf (1.74 MB)

Report of the Industrial Fisheries Working Group

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posted on 2023-08-21, 11:41 authored by ICESICES

At the Statutory Meeting in 1989 it was decided (C. Res. 1989/2:4:10) that the Industrial Fisheries working Group (Chairman Mr. H. Gislason) should meet at ICES Headquarters from 20-27 March 1990 to:

a) consider the Report of the Multispecies Assessment working Group;

b) estimate monthly quantities and quarterly geographical distribution and size composition of by-catches of herring, cod, haddock, whiting, mackerel, and saithe taken in the fisheries for Norway pout, sandeel, and sprat in the North Sea and adjacent waters and report them to the relevant assessment Working Groups;

c) assess the status of the stocks of the target species in the industrial fisheries, i.e., sprat in Sub-area IV and Divisions IlIa, VIa, and Vlld,e and Norway pout and sandeel in Sub-area IV and Divisions IlIa and VIa;

d) provide quarterly catch-at-age and catch and stock mean weight-at-age data and information on the relative distribution at different ages by quarter for north sea stocks for 1989 as input for the multispecies VPA.


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