Report of the Planning Group on Surveys on Pelagic Fish in the Norwegian Sea (PGSPFN)
The Planning Group on Surveys on Pelagic Fish in the Norwegian Sea [PGSPFN] (Chair: Dr J.C. Holst, Norway)
will meet in Torshavn, Faroes from 16–18August 2000 to:
a) consider the migration pattern of the Norwegian spring-spawning herring stock in 2000;
b) consider major hydrographic and zooplanktonic developments since last year. Consider the significance of
these developments to the herring stock;
c) evaluate the survey transects carried out in 2000 and consider whether changes could be made to further
optimise these with regard to the herring migration and the herring-environment interactions;
d) plan and coordinate the national surveys on the pelagic resources and the environment in the Norwegian Sea
in 2001;
e) plan an internationally coordinated survey on Norwegian spring-spawning herring in June 2001;
f) propose Terms of Reference for future work.
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