The Steering Committee for the Regional Database FishFrame (RDB-SC) met 8-9 January 2014 at ICES HQ, Copenhagen Denmark. It was the fifth meeting of the committee.
Participants were representatives from the RCM Baltic, RCM North Sea and Eastern
Arctic, RCM North Atlantic, ICES as well as observers from the RDB-SC for Large Pelagic Fish (LPF) and Spain. The RDB-SC is responsible for strategic planning, technical
governance, operational issues and estimates of costs in the overall governance of the
regional database (RDB). The RDB-SC interacts with the Regional Coordination Meetings (RCMs) and Liaison Meeting (LM) on other tasks such as development needs and
content governance.
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Expert Group or Strategic Initiative