Report of the Study Group on Genetic Risks to Atlantic Salmon Stocks
The terms of reference were as follows (C.Res.1990/2:40):
The Study Group on the Genetic Risks to Atlantic Salmon Stocks (Chairman: Mr A.F. Youngson, UR) will meet at lCES Headquarters from 13-15 March 1991 to:
a) review, consolidate and report on the current status of techniques to detect changes in Atlantic salmon stocks due to interbreeding of wild and cultured populations;
b) provide the experimental design for a research programme to evaluate the possible effects (including genetic, ecological and behavioural interactions) of fish farm escapees of Atlantic salmon on wild stocks;
c) hold a joint session with the Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon to discuss the research programme in b) above;
d) report to the Anadromous and Catadromous Fish and Mariculture Committees at the 1991 statutory meeting.
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