International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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Report of the Study Group on the Review of the Structure of the Fisheries Technology Committee (SGRSFTC)

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posted on 2003-01-01, 00:00 authored by ICESICES
The Study Group on the Review of the Structure of the Fisheries Technology Committee (SGRSFTC) has carried out an extensive review through correspondence and discussion sessions with its Expert Groups and Committee members. The Fisheries Technology Committee’s scientific area of responsibility is twofold; it covers the development of more optimal selective and ecosystem friendly fishing gears and focuses on the technical improvement and development of fisheries survey methodology. The Committee provides scientific information directly to the Advisory Committee and other Science Committees forming the basis of advice on the selection of appropriate technical measures in fishing operations and the improvement and selection of appropriate survey and sampling gears for resource survey and monitoring studies. The Committee provides a technical bridge that spans the issues of fishing practices, environmental impact, bio-diversity studies, and fisheries resource evaluation and management.The present structure of the Fisheries Technology Committee consists of two Working Groups: 1) Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (FAST) and 2) Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (FTFB) which hold annual meetings together. At these annual meetings time is allocated for a one day Joint Session of both Expert Groups to deal with common topics such as resource sampling and surveys, and fish behaviour studies. The Joint Session may be described as the glue that binds the two WGs together, the reason to meet at the same time and location. Study and Planning Groups are periodically created to look in-depth at special topics arising from the discussions of the Working Groups. The FAST and FTFB Working Groups use their meetings to disseminate and discuss new information and ongoing research in their respective technological fields. The Committee’s Working Groups respond to requests for scientific information from the Advisory Committees and other Science Committees and also from industry, with whom both Expert Groups are closely allied. Industry representatives regularly participate in Working Group meetings.In reviewing and rationalizing the existing structure of the Fisheries Technology Committee, the Study Group recognized that there was a need to clarify responsibilities, and to evaluate the need for change against the goals in the ICES Integration Action and Strategic Plans. The Fisheries Technology Committee Action Plan, served as a blueprint and provided the background for the Study Group. The Group considered the following topics in-depth: number of present working groups, study groups and planning groups; need for additional groups; the utility of the Joint Session; collaboration with other Committees; and communication of the Fisheries Technology Committee activities via Annual Science Conference (ASC) Theme Sessions, and Symposia.The Study Group concluded that present structure of the Fisheries Technology Committee with two Working Groups holding annual meetings and a joint session together should be maintained. The concept of Study and Planning Groups being periodically created to look in-depth at special topics contributes to the development of the Working Groups and hence the Committee and is working well. The Study Group made 15 recommendations for improvements to activities under the Fisheries Technology Committee’s Action Plan. Under the existing structure, the Committee should be able to meet the demands of the Integrated Action Plan and contribute effectively to the success of the Strategic Plan.


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