International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Report of the Working Group on Aquaculture (WGAQUA)

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posted on 2013-01-01, 00:00 authored by ICESICES
The WGAQUA, chaired by Karin Boxaspen, Norway, Peter Cranford, Canada and Pauline Kamermans, The Netherlands, met for the first time from 18 to 22 March 2013 in Palavas, France and was attended by 24 participants from 12 ICES countries (An-nex 1). Based on a discussion on the direction of the new Aquaculture Expert Group it was recognized that aquaculture activities take place in a natural dynamic envi-ronment, where effects are not the same for each scale (local, regional, national, inter-national). Science-based thresholds or tipping points and uncertainties need to be identified as well as the reversibility of a change. Links with stakeholders are very important. A synthesis was prepared of reports by ICES SGs and WGs related to sus-tainable aquaculture on the environmental dependence and effects of aquaculture and on science advice provided. This activity clearly demonstrates that ICES has been highly active over the last decade in reviewing the state of knowledge of the envi-ronmental dependence and effects of aquaculture and in the provision of advice and recommendations related to the integrated management of sustainable aquaculture (e.g. performance indicators, risk assessments, monitoring programs, generic and specific management frameworks, strengthening stakeholder inclusion in decision-making). The review of past activities will strengthen linkages between the WGAQUA and other expert groups and was helpful in identifying aquaculture issues that have not yet received adequate attention from ICES


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