International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
1983_Assess6.pdf (4.58 MB)

Report of the Working Group on Redfish and Greenland Halibut in Region 1

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posted on 2023-10-04, 08:39 authored by ICESICES

At the last Statutory Meeting, the Council adopted the following resolution (C.Res.1982/2:5:16):

"It was decided, that the Redfish and Greenland Halibut Working Group (Chairman: Mr B Vaske) should meet at ICES headquarters from 24 February to 1 March 1983 tOt

(i) assess catch options for 1984 for redfish and Greenland halibut in Region I,

(ii) evaluate USSR data in relation to the 'mentella box' and the present mesh size regulation,

(iii) consider which of the above stocks could be assessed at 2-year interva1s, with advice being given as a 2-year forecast; if it would be meaningful to produce such a prediction now, then the Working Group shou1d do so,

(iv) review which data are available in the Working Group files for evaluating density dependence in the parameters of the models used in fish stock assessment,

(v) specify deficiencies in data required for assessments".


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Working Group on Redfish and Greenland Halibut in Region 1


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