National landings data reported to ICES, and Working Group estimates of total landings are given in Table
12.1.1. Total international landings in 1996, as used by the Working Group, were 1,002 t, only 2 t more than the
TAC of 1,000 t and 7'70 lower than predicted by last year's Working Group. The unallocated landings was the Working Group estimates of landings not yet reported. In 1996, UK (E&W) vesscls were subject to monthly catch control for the whole year. Belgian vessels were submitted to trip catch controls in the 1st, 3rd and 4th quarter, and the fishery was closed in November. The sole fishery was also closed to Irish beam-trawlers after the 7 April, and the Irish beam-trawlers fleet was restrieted to sole landings of <5'70 per trip
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