The workshop on integration and visualisation technology of ICES data (WKINVITED) was held at the ICES headquarters in Copenhagen on the 29–30 May 2018. It attracted 16 participants in total with 7 remote participants and 9 in situ and was chaired by David Currie and Sjur Ringheim Lid.The workshop had the format of a hackathon where the participants were joined to-gether in teams that then prototyped different types of visualisation results based on data managed by the ICES data centre. Five teams were put together, two remote and three in situ, and worked on the following topics:• Visualising length frequency data from Datras• Catch scenario visualisation• Visualising fishing mortality• An on-board QC Tool for Length-Weight Distribution• Visualising NMEA messages from trawl sensorsEach group made progress in the subject they were looking at - the outputs from these teams are summarised in this report and the code developed during the workshop is available on GitHub where possible.This was the first data hackathon held by ICES so it was a learning experience for eve-rybody involved. It was felt that the format of a hackathon was a useful motivation for producing interesting examples and that holding another hackathon would be a good idea. This report also makes recommendations to try and improve on the weaker areas of this workshop for any future events.
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee