The Workshop on the ICES Egg and Larval Database (WKIELD) met from 27 to 29 April 2015 in Copenhagen, Denmark, to finalize the input format, prepare datasets for upload to the database and agree on output products from the database. The meeting was co-chaired by Cindy van Damme, The Netherlands, and Carlos Pinto, Denmark. In total 21 persons, representing 14 institutes from 11 countries participated in the workshop.The workshop participants prepared an internationally agreed input format, with field descriptions and ICES vocabulary tables for the lookup tables (see section 3). With the input format a factsheet for metadata description of the surveys was also developed. Currently datasets of five different surveys are uploaded to the database. Another 15 survey datasets were presented at the workshop. At least five of these survey datasets are being transformed to the input format of the ICES Eggs and Larvae database to be uploaded to the database within the next few months or at least before the end of the year (section 4). DCF regulations for data availability to the public were also presented and discussed at the workshop.
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