Technical Service - EU request on the production of matrices by year and age with F-at-age for stocks corresponding to the latest published advice for each stock
ICES has produced, as a technical service to DGMARE, matrices by year and age (in csv format and as R-objects) with F-at-age by year per stock, for stocks listed in the Annex (Table 1) that are assessed analytically, corresponding to the latest published advice for each stock.
Where analytical assessment was not available, no data are provided.
Matrices by year and age of partial F-at-age or catch-at-age by fleet and/or métier for stocks with analytical assessments are provided where possible. ICES is not in a position to include data for Mediterranean stocks.
ICES Data Centre produced the outputs, using ICES Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF) * in collaboration with stock assessors and stock coordinators on the status and information available for each stock (Table 1).
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