International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Rapport et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions - Volume 80 - 1932 - Partie 05 of 11.pdf (9.35 MB)

The effect on the stock of the capture of undersized fish. The haddock population of the North Sea plateau

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posted on 2023-07-20, 09:45 authored by Alexander Bowman

The present communication  is  restricted  to  a consideration  of  the  changes  which  have  taken place  in  the  haddock  population  of  the  North  Sea plateau  during  the  last  decade. 

A  census  of the  moving and  ever-changing pop­ulation  in  this  extensive  area  during  the  period under  review  has  been  obtained  by  a  combination of  three  methods :-

  1. The  collection  of  statistics  and  measurements of  fish  caught  in  the  region  and  landed  at British  ports.
  2. Ichthyometrical  observations  made  at  sea  on commercial  vessels by the Ministry of Fisheries (England)  Measurers to  assess the  proportions of  unmarketable  sizes  of  haddocks  in  the  total catches  from  different  grounds.
  3. Periodic  trawling  surveys  of  the  principal haddock  grounds  with  Standard  Otter  Trawl by  the  Scottish  Research  Vessel  ’’Explorer”  to amplify the market statistics and to obtain  data with  regard  to  the  abundance  and  distribution of  demersal  haddocks  of  small  sizes  which normally  escape  capture  by  the   ordinary commercial  fishing  gear.

The  ideal  aimed  at  has  been  a monthly censusof  the  densities  and  distributions  of  the  several  age classes  which  make  up  the total  demersal  haddock population.

Inludes 3 appendices:

A) The Magnitude  of  the  Destruction  of  Haddock  of Unsaleable  Sizes.(by  A.  B.),

B) A  Comparison  of  the  Vigneron-Dahl Trawling  Gear  with  the Ordinary  Otter  Trawl  in  the  Haddock  Fishery,  (by  A.  B.), and 

C) The Food and Feeding Habits of the Haddock, by Alfred Ritchie, B.Sc

Reports of the proceedings of a special meeting held on June 24th 1932, at Copenhagen; 'The Effect upon the Stock of Fish of the Capture of Undersized Fish'.

This publication is part of  Rapport et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions Vol. 80. To see all other articles in this volume, please click on the keyword "RPVR Vol. 80".  



Rapports et procès-verbaux des réunions





Recommended citation

Bowman, A. 1932. The effect on the stock of the capture of undersized fish. The haddock population of the North Sea Plateau. Rapports et procès-verbaux des réunions, 80: III.