International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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The littoral cod of the Norwegian Skagerak coast

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posted on 2023-07-21, 07:20 authored by Alf Dannevig

In the coastal waters of southern Norway the fishermen distinguish between three different types of cod:—the “dyptorsk” living in deep water in the fjords and in the skjærgård, and especially outside the coastal banks, the “taretorsk” living in the shallow waters of the skj ærgård, and the “fjordtorsk” living in the shallow waters of the fjords and in narrow sounds.

The characters used by the fishermen to separate the different types are colour and body proportions. These characters are, however, influenced by the environment and rate of growth. The different types may be phenotypes. But we must also take into consideration tha t genotypical factors may come into the problem. The possibility exists that the young of the deep-sea cod will seek the deep layers, and grow into a deep-sea cod. It is possible th a t the young of the littoral cod prefer the littoral region. That question cannot, however, be discussed on the basis of the material at hand.

The investigations discussed here will show that the population of cod in the skj ærgård differs in several ways from the cod in the fjords, and that the population in one fjord differs from that in another. Material is too scanty for the deep-sea cod.

This publication is part of  Rapport et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions Vol.  136, which includes all contributions to a special scientific meeting on cod. To see all other articles in this volume, please click on  the keyword "RPVR Vol. 136".



Rapports et procès-verbaux des réunions





Recommended citation

Dannevig, A. 1954. The littoral cod of the Norwegian Skagerak coast. Rapports et procès-verbaux des réunions, 136: 7-14.