Thornback ray (Raja clavata) in Subarea IV, and Divisions IIIa and VIId (North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat and eastern English Channel)
The advice given in 2012 for this stock is valid for 2013–2015: “Based on ICES approach to data-limited stocks, ICES advises that catches could be increased by a maximum of 20%. However, ICES does not advise that an individual TAC be set for this species, at present.
Additional measures should be identified that can regulate exploitation of this species. Such measures may include seasonal and/or area closures, technical measures, and tailored measures for target fisheries. Such measures should be developed by managers through stakeholder consultations, considering the overall mixed fisheries context.”
NB: The advice for 2015 is the same catch advice than for 2013 and 2014 (even if it cannot be quantified) not that a further 20% increase in catch be implemented.
NB: new Advice will be provided in 2015.
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