International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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WKREDMP - Report of the Long-term Management Plan Options for Redfish in ICES Subareas I and II

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posted on 2014-01-01, 00:00 authored by ICESICES

The Workshop on Redfish Management Plan Evaluation (WKREDMP) met at ICES headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark from 20–25 January 2014. Three separate requests to evaluate management procedures for three different stocks of redfish were examined: S. mentella in I and II (Arctic), “Deep” S. mentella in Irminger Sea and adjacent waters, and S. marinus (golden redfish) in V–XIV. In addition, a benchmark assessment was conducted for the golden redfish stock. Members included scientists from all of the major countries involved in the exploitation of the stocks considered. Though there was no specific overlap between the stocks considered, all results and conclusions were presented and discussed in plenary to ensure agreement from the whole group.


Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee

  • ACOM

Published under the auspices of the following ICES Expert Group or Strategic Initiative

WKREDMP; Workshops - ACOM


ICES Expert Group Reports

Recommended citation

ICES. 2014. Report of the Workshop on Redfish Management Plan Evaluation (WKREDMP), 20–25 January, Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES CM 2014/ACOM:52. 269 pp.