Working Group on DATRAS Governance (WGDG)
The Working Group on DATRAS Governance (WGDG) aims to align the Database of Trawl Surveys (DATRAS) for the different surveys, to evaluate the database using guidance developed by Data and Information Group (DIG), to oversee, align and advise on requests for further development of DATRAS, and to provide a platform for end-user feedback. WGDG consists of repre-sentatives of ICES working groups delivering data to DATRAS: the Baltic International Fish Survey Working Group (WGBIFS), the International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG), and the Working Group on Beam Trawl Surveys (WGBEAM), as well as representatives of ICES Data Centre and of DIG. This report contains the main results of the past year’s meetings.
The focus in this reporting period (June 2021-May 2022) has, as in previous years, been on align-ment of DATRAS over different surveys, the main output being the implementation of the generic DATRAS format for submission across surveys. The implementation of the sub-mission was smooth, the communication of the changes to end-users can still be improved.
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