The ICES Working Group on Mixed Fisheries Advice (WGMIXFISH-ADVICE) met remotely to produce mixed fisheries forecasts for the Bay of Biscay, Celtic Sea, Iberian Waters and North Sea. Mixed fisheries advice highlights the potential implications of single-stock (total allowable catch and effort) management on the catches of multiple stocks caught together in mixed fisheries. It takes into account past fishing patterns and catchability of the different fleets, and the TAC advice produced by the single-stock advice groups, to provide quantitative forecast of over- and under-exploitation of the different stocks given mixed fishery interactions. The mixed fisheries forecasts were produced using the “FCube” (Fleet and Fishery Forecasts) methodology for the Celtic Sea, and on the “FLBEIA” (Fisheries Library Bio-Economic ImpaPrct Assessment) methodology for the Bay of Biscay, Iberian Waters and North Sea.
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Expert Group or Strategic Initiative
ICES Scientific Reports
Contributors (Editors)
Claire Moore
Contributors (Authors)
Gianfranco Anastasi; Mikel Aristegui-Ezquibela; Johnathan Ball; Thomas Brunel; Santiago Cerviño; Harriet Cole; Paul Dolder; Côme Denechaud; Marieke Desender; Dorleta Garcia; Ruth Kelly; Hugo Mendes; Alessandro Orio; Matthew Pace; Lionel Pawlowski; Alfonso Perez-Rodriguez; Margarita Rincón Hidalgo; Paz Sampedro; Sonia Sánchez-Maroño; Cristina Silva; Klass Sys; Marc Taylor Vanessa Trijoulet; Youen Vermard
Recommended citation
ICES. 2022. Working Group on Mixed Fisheries Advice (WGMIXFISH-ADVICE; outputs from 2021 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports. 4:4. 215 pp.