Working Group on Open Ocean Aquaculture (WGOOA; outputs from 2022 meeting)
One of the main purposes of the Open Ocean Aquaculture Working Group (WGOOA) is to study, describe and characterise the high-energy environmental sites where marine aquaculture can be installed and operated. Members of the WGOOA have started to work on various aspects such as defining terms (exposed, offshore, sheltered, nearshore, etc.) and developing a model to characterize high-energy sites. For this purpose, an index has been developed in the last few years to make it easier for different stakeholder groups to identify potential farm locations. There will be a special edition in the Journal of the World Aquaculture Society where the results will be presented in six papers. Work was also done on strategies to prevent the potential entanglement of mammals and turtles in aquaculture structures. The current status of knowledge on these issues was compiled, showing, among other things, that there is indeed no evidence of such entanglement. However, work is to be done on prevention concepts. Finally, a list is presented of farms existing within ICES areas as well as farms operating in areas of partner countries that are considered exposed and/or remote. The list will be further updated in subsequent years. Further, in the following years, work will be done on topics related to the environmental impacts, regulation, and economic viability of aquaculture farms in remote and/or exposed areas.
In the following report, we will present a summary of the knowledge gained from the 2022 annual meeting.
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Expert Group or Strategic Initiative
ICES Scientific ReportsVolume
09Contributors (Editors)
Bela H. Buck; Tyler SclodnickContributors (Authors)
Abigail Bockus; Hans Bjelland; Bela H. Buck; Sander van der Burg; Toby Dewhurst; Paul Dobbins Joao Ferreira; Heidi Moe Fore; Nils Goseberg; Kevin Heasman; Nancy Nevejan; Roberto Pastres Tyler Sclodnick; Nicholas Scott; Bill Silks; Eva Strothotte; Daniel WieczorekISSN
2618-1371Recommended citation
ICES. 2023. Working Group on Open Ocean Aquaculture (WGOOA; Outputs from 2022 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports. 5:09. 15 pp. language
- en