Workshop on Cetacean Abundance Estimation Through Distance Sampling Methods (WKCETAB)
Survey data are collected over large spatial scale to align with the wide-ranging movements and ecology of cetacean species. Assessing the conservation status of these species with current regulatory frameworks in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (i.e.: EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive, OSPAR, HELCOM, EcAp/IMAP Barcelona Convention, Bucharest Convention) requires both (i) the definition of ecologically-meaningful spatial units for which cetacean abundance must be estimated from survey data, and (ii) the coordination of countries/parties whose maritime waters overlap with those units.
The first Workshop on Cetacean Abundance estimation (WKCETAB) met to discuss: (i) available Distance Sampling data for regional assessments, and (ii) the need for methodological harmonization and coordination across countries at regional level for a coherent reporting. WKCETAB also started considering the effects of survey design and analytical approaches on the quality of final estimates.
WKCETAB defined a roadmap to reach the harmonization and coordination goals also leveraging on results and tools from other relevant ICES working groups, with initial focus on: (i) promoting a common terminology, (ii) defining assessment units and (iii) providing methodologies for policy-relevant and management-ready abundance estimates.
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Expert Group or Strategic Initiative
ICES Scientific ReportsVolume
73Contributors (Editors)
Matthieu Authier; Caterina Fortuna; José Antonio VázquezContributors (Authors)
Amaia Astarloa; Matthieu Authier; Niki Clear; Greg Donovan; Caterina Fortuna; Anita Gilles; Joan Giménez; Paula Gutierrez; Phil Hammond; Draško Holcer; Giancarlo Lauriano; Simone Panigada; Floriane Plard; Cláudia Rodrigues; José Antonio VázquezISSN
2618-1371Recommended citation
ICES. 2024. Workshop on Cetacean Abundance Estimation Through Distance Sampling Methods (WKCETAB). ICES Scientific Reports. 6:73. 25 pp. https:/ language
- en