Workshop on Recreational Fisheries in Stock Assessments (WKRFSA; outputs from 2023 meeting)
The Workshop on Recreational Fisheries in Stock Assessments (WKRFSA) aimed to establish a process for integrating recreational fisheries (RF) data into stock assessments.
The workshop addressed three aims:
- Identifying obstacles to RF inclusion
- Creating a decision tree for RF data inclusion and reconstruction
- Establishing criteria based on data quality and catch quantity
The workshop was made up of three parts:
- Assessing where RF data fits in the assessment cycle
- Schematizing RF data reconstruction
- Discussing blockers to RF inclusion
To prioritize stocks for RF data inclusion, a productivity-susceptibility analysis (PSA) by the WGRFS is ongoing. This PSA will provide a list of species within each ecoregion where RF could impact stock sustainability levels. When a risk is identified for a stock, RF data should be included in the data-call process for consideration in the benchmark. Key blockers to RF inclusion were categorized into data issues, communication challenges, and resourcing problems. Data issues focused on the quality, quantity, and consistency of the RF data. A need for better communication about RF data availability was outlined. Resourcing challenges included knowledge gaps within ICES stock roles, communication of RF-specific advice, and capacity needs for improved inclusion methods. A flowchart-based framework for integrating RF data into the stock assessment process was developed, addressing survey errors, and different catch levels, and reconstructing commonly missing RF data under different scenarios. Acknowledging data limitations, the framework proposed capturing RF exploitation levels in the assessment model or as a statement in the advice only. The workshop addressed several of the blockers to the inclusion of RF data into the assessment/advice cycle by identifying avenues for improved RF communication and devising methods within the framework for handling data quality, quantity, and consistency issues. However, the workshop was not able to resolve all the issues identified.
Five key tasks for future development to resolve further blockers emerged:
- ICES supporting both stock assessment and RF communities to enhance capacity
- Considering a dedicated RF data coordinator role for each stock
- Improving communication between WGRFS and assessment WGs
- Compiling a priority list of species through PSA analysis
- ACOM providing standardized guidance for RF-specific advice
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Expert Group or Strategic Initiative
ICES Scientific ReportsVolume
26Contributors (Editors)
Martina Scanu; Zachary RadfordContributors (Authors)
David Curtis; Didzis Ustups; Eneko Bachiller; Estanis Mugerza; Gwladys Lambert; Hans Jakob Olesen; Ioannis Thasitis; Ivo Sics; Jonnathan White; Karina Ryan; Kieran Hyder; Kjell Nedreaas; Lennert van de Pol; Lucia Zarauz; Manos Koutrakis; Marie Storr-Paulsen; Martina Scanu; Matthew Farthing; Nicola Walker; Paul Bouch; Pia Schuchert; Sean Tracy; Simon Weltersbach; Sophy Phillips; Zachary RadfordISSN
2618-1371Recommended citation
ICES. 2024. Workshop on Recreational Fisheries in Stock Assessments (WKRFSA). ICES Scientific Reports. 6:26. 35 pp. language
- en