Workshop on estimation of MOrtality of Marine MAmmals due to Bycatch
New version: Annex 8 was edited with individual reports from the reviewers, March 2022.
New version: Annex 8 was added to the report, January 2022.
The Workshop on estimation of MOrtality of Marine MAmmals due to Bycatch (WKMOMA) addressed a special request from OSPAR regarding the bycatch mortality of marine mammals (harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena; common dolphin Delphinus delphis; and grey seal Halicho-erus grypus) within the OSPAR maritime area. The objective of the workshop was to generate bycatch rates and associated confidence intervals for static and towed gears for relevant species within the three species assessment areas defined by OSPAR. Subsequently, the species-specific bycatch mortality estimates in the defined assessment area were requested. OSPAR provided thresholds for the relevant species/assessment units and ICES were tasked to compare the mortality estimates to the provided thresholds and identify any critical issues relevant for the comparison.
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