International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
34 files

Management objectives, trade-offs and strategies in a changing ocean

conference contribution
posted on 2024-03-01, 14:23 authored by ICESICES

Conveners: Jamie Tam ​(Canada), Lisa Kerr (USA), Robert Thorpe (UK).

No abstracts are to be cited without prior reference to the author.

  • Exploring parameter uncertainty and production in sub-Arctic and Arctic ecosystems: Jamie C. Tam, Alida Bundy, Torstein Pedersen, Nina Mikkelsen.
  • Combining ecosystem models to define multi-species reference points: Michael Spence, Hayley J. Bannister, Robert B. Thorpe, Nicola J. Walker.
  • Are data-limited methods sustainable approaches? Management strategy evaluation of data-limited methods with a data-rich stock: Ming Sun, Yunzhou Li, Yiping Ren, Yong Chen.
  • Tradeoffs and uncertainty in herring fisheries management: insights from management strategy evaluation and ecosystem modellings: Szymon Surma.
  • Progress towards evaluating fisheries management strategies with ecosystem modelling tools: Holly Perryman, Cecile Hansen, Daniel Howell, Daisuke Goto, Erik Olsen.
  • Aligning science and policy in the Humboldt Current to achieve climate-ready fisheries management: Kristin M. Kleisner, Merrick Burden, Erica Cunningham, Mauricio Galvez, Renato Guevara, Dimitri Gutierrez, Jaime Letelier, Carlos Montenegro, Miguel Ñiquen, Vincent Saba, Jorge Tam.
  • Integrating climate change vulnerability indices on a scale relevant to fishery managers: Nancy L. Shackell, , Blair J. W. Greenan, Kiyomi French, Phil Greyson, Andrew Cogswell, David Brickman, Zeliang Wang, Vincent S. Saba.
  • The potential of EU fisheries to contribute to sustainable food and nutrition security: Friederike Ziegler, Louisa Borthwick, Marta Angela Bianchi, Sara Hornborg, Ollie Van Hal, Hannah H.E. Van Zanten.
  • The global rise of crustaceans: shelling out more for seafood?: Robert Boenish, Jake Kritzer, Kristin Kleisner, Robert Steneck, Jose Ingles, Wenbin Zhu, Frederick Schram, Douglas Rader, William Cheung, Karl Michael-Werner, Yongjun Tian, John Mimikakis.
  • Predicting the effect of fishing on indicators of good environmental status in the North Sea: an ensemble modelling approach: Christopher A. Griffiths, Christopher Lynam, Hayley Bannister, James Waggitt, Robert Thorpe, Michael Spence.
  • A modular framework for the generic application of fisheries management strategy evaluation: Ernesto Jardim, Finlay Scott, Paris Vasilakopoulos, Cecilia Pinto, Alessandro Mannini, Christoph Konrad, Iago Mosqueira.
  • Rebuilding plan for western Baltic herring. Can we use simple MSE-type forecasts?: Vanessa Trijoulet, Casper W. Berg, Claus R. Sparrevohn, Anders Nielsen, Henrik Mosegaard.
  • Evaluating the performance of management strategies for Northeast US groundfish fisheries in a changing climate: Samuel Truesdell, Lisa Kerr, Steven Cadrin, Jonathan Cummings, Gavin Fay, Sarah Gaichas, Andrew Pershing.
  • The challenges for ICES raised by conducting full MSEs for some jointly-managed stocks in the North Sea: De Oliveira, J.A.A., Fischer, S.H., Berges, B., Cole, H.S., Devine, J.A., Goto, D., Hintzen, N.T., Miethe, T., Mosqueira, I., Umar, I., Walker, N.D., Jardim, E.
  • Spaced out: Investigating the impact of spatial structure and movement under climate change using management strategy evaluation: Nis Sand Jacobsen, Kristin Marshall, Aaron Berger, Ian Taylor.
  • Eliciting values and negotiating trade-offs in participatory management strategy evaluation: Mimi E. Lam, Tony J. Pitcher.
  • Forage fish fisheries management requires a tailored approach to balance tradeoffs: Margaret C. Siple, Timothy E. Essington, Éva E. Plagányi.
  • Conflicting goals and best strategies for reaching Good Environmental Status in the Baltic Sea: Kristina Heidrich, Christian Möllmann, Saskia Otto.
  • Managing conflicts and synergies of use-use interactions: Ida Maria Bonnevie, Henning Sten Hansen, Lise Schrøder.
  • Assessment of alternative management procedures for the US recreational summer flounder fishery: Jason E. McNamee, Amanda R. Hart, Gavin Fay, Kiley J. Dancy.
  • Addressing the impact of climate change on “choke” species issues in a multispecies fishery: Lisa Kerr, Sam Truesdell, Gavin Fay, Jonathan Cummings, Ashley Weston, Steven X. Cadrin, Sarah Gaichas, Min-Yang Lee, Anna Birkenbach, Andrew Pershing.
  • Building climate readiness into two different fishery systems: Merrick J. Burden, Kristin Kleisner, Alice Thomas-Smith, Kendra Karr, Larry Epstein, Erica Cunningham, Willow Battista, Rod Fujita.’
  • Floundering in the face of climate change: Can we successfully manage our recreational fisheries without all the facts?: Amanda R. Hart, Gavin Fay, Jason McNamee, Kiley J. Dancy.
  • Avoiding the curse of circularity: building a multi-species model from the ground up: Michael. A. Spence, Robert B. Thorpe, Paul G. Blackwell, Finlay Scott, Richard Southwell, Julia L. Blanchard.
  • Use of management strategy evaluation to inform in fisheries management in a changing climate: Jonathan W. Cummings, Amanda Hart, Gavin Fay.
  • Interactions in a fishery socio-ecological system revealed by a Bayesian Belief Network approach: Silvia de Juan, Andres Ospina-Alvarez, Montserrat Demestre, Francesc Mayno.
  • What are process errors in population dynamic models and how do they relate to time-varying parameters?: Paula Silvar Viladomiu, Cóilín Minto, Deirdre Brophy, David G. Reid.
  • Recruitment predictions we can make, and their significance under changing climate: Julie M. Gross, Philip Sadler, John M. Hoenig.
  • Models for adaptive management in the face of climate change: Richard J. Bell, Jay Odell.
  • Challenges and opportunities of ecosystem services integration into marine spatial planning: examples from case studies in the Baltic Sea: Solvita Strake, von Thenen M., Luhtala H., Schiele K., Hansen H. S.
  • Risk avoidance—MSE collaboration for Bering Sea Tanner crab: Madison Shipley, William Stockhausen, Ben Daly, André Punt.
  • Ecologically Sustainable Exploitation Rates – a multispecies approach for fisheries management: Torbjörn Säterberg, Michele Casini, Anna Gårdmark.



ICES Annual Science Conference 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden


Theme session F: Management objectives, trade-offs and strategies in a changing ocean

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[Authors]. 2019. [Title]. Annual Science Conference 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. C.M. Document 2019 / [Abstract reference].

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